“I created Expert Academy Pro because the online education world needs a dose of honesty.”

Take your course from 'just an idea' to 'ready to sell online' - in just 8 weeks

Discover how to create successful online programs or courses with ‘Expert Academy Pro’. Under the guidance of Alex Agricola - 7 figure online learning creative entrepreneur & best-selling author, you'll learn how to craft, deliver & sell compelling courses that go above and beyond. From the moment you join, you get my guidance and support. I'm here to answer any questions that come up...

Show Me What's included

7-figure online learning creative entrepreneur & best-selling author.
260,000 community  •  10,000 paying students  •  7-figures + in online teaching

Join me for this free workshop where I disprove the top 3 myths that may be stopping you from launching your own online course or program.

I’d like to share the 3 most common problems that I’ve encountered over my 25 years of being in the online education space. Problems that come up again and again, problems that stop people from even getting started  - all of which, I promise, are easy to figure out. 

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Expert Academy Pro is the best proven method to help creative entrepreneurs launch a course-based business without the stress or overwhelm.

What's stopping you?

With my close guidance, you’ll learn, step by step how to transform your skills and expertise into an online course or program.

Whether you're an expert in your field, a teacher at heart, a creative, or someone with valuable knowledge to share, creating an online course is one of the most powerful ways to reach a global audience, build your brand, and generate passive income.

An online course is the number one way to serve more people, earn more income and have a bigger impact.

An easy to follow roadmap...

Everything I teach inside Expert Academy Pro has taken me years to figure out. But, I recorded every step and have distilled it down into a proven roadmap to help you build your own online course.

10 years ago, I was unsure where to begin too. But, I’ve developed a proven roadmap that is focused on simplicity, clarity and community and avoids overwhelm and confusion.

Expert Academy Pro gives you a clear cut, proven way to build, market and sell your online course.

The online education space is growing...

“I’m teaching this so that you can achieve the same results - only faster."

If you’ve had a course idea in your mind for a while, now is the time to make this a reality. The online education world is at an all time high and is set to hit US$10.60bn in 2024. It’s your turn to earn a slice of this.

When you join us inside Expert Academy Pro, you’ll quickly realise that this sits a level above any other course building program out there.

"Part of what I teach inside Expert Academy Pro is how to build an online business that has longevity, connection and impact at its core.”

When you join us inside Expert Academy Pro, you’ll quickly realise that this sits a level above any other course building program out there.

Inside Expert Academy Pro you'll learn how to:

• Create your course with confidence using my proven process and structure - ready to be easily tailored to your own subject or industry.

• Create sales pages with confidence, using my proven framework. A framework that has generated millions of dollars and has been tweaked and tailored from my 30 years experience as an entrepreneur.

• Be confident knowing that me and my team of experts are at your fingertips ready to guide & advise you, helping you avoid any confusion or overwhelm.

Alex Agricola - 7-figure online learning creative entrepreneur & best-selling author.


Get my direct support...

Imagine having your online course built and ready to sell to your perfect audience

Plus - you get my support and feedback throughout the course.

I am with you, to support you, throughout this entire training.


What to expect inside Expert Academy Pro.

➔ Direct support throughout, from me and my expert lead team - a key ingredient to ensure you complete the training and actually launch your online course. (Most ‘online experts’ don’t offer this close support at all).

➔ 8 simple to follow modules - you can take this step by step, with each module being released to you weekly - so that you can digest, learn then implement the training.

➔ Or, if you choose to, you can dive in and digest the entire course at your own pace. Either way you get the same level of close support from me and my team.

➔ A supportive community of people, including Alex and his team, for you to connect with, be inspired by and learn from - it really is easier when we do this together.

➔ We tackle the mindset work upfront - so that you can stay motivated and dedicated throughout the entire program.

➔ A secure space to test, share and get feedback on your work - without any judgment at all. You’ll receive one-to-one guidance as you progress through the training.

What makes Expert Academy Pro different?

➔ It offers a proven, step-by-step, clear roadmap to follow. I will guide you through the exact structure that has got me to 7-figures and beyond.

➔ We welcome you into a community that encourages you to learn and share your wins. Being part of a smart, connected community is a key part of online success.

➔ We'
ll support you closely throughout the entire program; any questions, problems or roadblocks you have - we tackle them together. Including anything that comes up around self-discipline or motivation. We all procrastinate sometimes! 

If you do the work, with my guidance, you WILL see the results you hope for.

Beth Martin

"I've taken a billion online courses and to be completely honest this one redefined the bar for me...this is the most clear, comprehensive course I've taken and Alex's personal support takes it to another level". 

Samantha Elis

"Alex's teaching style is totally refreshing in the online expert sector. He teaches in a logical and supportive way, he's more of a guide than a teacher and will take you step-by-step through any roadblocks that come up". Sam

Sue Hay

"In an online world full of experts and gurus, it's a god-send to have found Alex. He's the real deal. He's willing to share, with others, every single step that has brought him success. I've already taken huge leaps forward in my business".

Here's what you get when you join the
Expert Academy Pro

Before I get into the actual content, the primary thing you get is me, by your side. You get my personal guidance and my proven way of doing this. This method is exactly what has helped me reach my level of success today. I'm sharing it all with you, in the exact step-by-step way that I know works.

Module 1 - The psychology of success

Inside this module will help you to have the right mindset to complete the work and launch your course. We'll look at the big difference that having a growth mindset can have on your business. How to develop resilience and overcome self-doubt. This module covers the key up-front work needed to  ensure logevity in your online business.

Module 2 - Structuring your course 

In this module you’ll learn the specific order your content should follow to make it clear, engaging, and easy for your students to consume. So that you can take your audience on a journey of transformation. Plus we also cover ways to increase student engagement, ensuring students stay motivated and connected throughout your course.

Module 3 - Creating engaging content

Focuses on creating content that goes beyond information - sharing to connect with your audience by addressing their struggles and offering solutions that matter. We also explore the art of copywriting. How to craft messages that are clear, authentic, and compelling, all while keeping your audience's needs at the forefront.

Module 4 - Creating a content strategy

Focuses on outsourcing and collaboration strategies to help you delegate tasks and prevent burnout - while ensuring your content maintains quality. How to stay inspired and overcome creative blocks. Plus, the importance of balancing work and rest and how to form long-term motivation strategies to keep your content fresh.

Module 5 - Marketing & Selling Your Course Online

A successful course needs a brilliant sales page. My proven sales page system will make this step so simple for you. Plus, in this module, we cover automated evergreen funnels, email marketing and why it's key to having a long term plan. As well as my Pre-buzz builder strategy to generate excitement and anticipation before launching a product or service.

Module 6 - Finding, engaging and building your audience

 Part 1 - Focuses on how to define and understand your target audience by analyzing their needs, behaviors, and demographics to ensure your content resonates with the right people.
Part 2 - Guides you through strategies to reach a broader audience, including leveraging collaborations, social media, and organic growth.

Module 7 - Facebook Fusion: Mastering Pages & Groups for Business Success

Mastering pages and groups - a key platform to market your course  - I share with you my 15+ years of Facebook secrets that have generated over 10 million in revenue for online businesses and brands. And has made me one of Facebook’s top content creators. Plus, in this module we cover understanding and building effective Facebook audiences.

Module 8 - Bringing it all together

Inside this workshop we review the key components of the course. I guide you through integrating everything you’ve learned into a cohesive, actionable plan to launch your online school.

This is where you move forward with all of the key learnings and knowledge under your belt. It's time to build all of this knowledge into a workable plan for your business - for today and to take forward. A plan that will support you in launching your own online

Your Bonus Modules

Bonus 1 - Facebook Advertising -
How to Master Ads

In your first bonus module we cover all things Facebook. How to create a Facebook business page, creating custom audiences, the power of running an Omnipresent campaign, lead gathering and how to master Facebook ads and audiences.

Bonus 2 - Lights, Camera, Action. Creating top quality videos.

Focuses on how to use lighting, angles, and framing to create high-quality images and videos that engage your audience and elevate your content production. This isn't about having the latest, most expensive equipment. This is about achieving quality footage on a budget.

Bonus 3 - Kajabi Training - A Complete step by Step walkthrough Building Your Website, Funnels & sales page

How to get started with Kajabi. Setting up your website and landing pages, page templates, course creation and customisation.

Bonus 4 - 12 months of Kajabi support with Kajabi expert Joel Vivanco.

You get 2 weekly calls with Kajabi expert Joel Vivanco. Joel was one of the first employees at Kajabi and knows the platform inside and out. He will be here to support you on 2 weekly calls (Tuesday and Thursdays)


Hi. I'm Alex.

7 figure online learning creative entrepreneur & best selling author. 

 I’ve created multi-million pound companies, built up engaged communities with over half a million members, released 7-figure online courses and now it’s my turn to ‘pay it back’ and teach you how to do the same.

260,000 community  •  10,000 paying students  •  7-figures + in online teaching

Over 10,000 paying students since 2010

Are you ready?...

Join the most complete step-by-step course creation program and start teaching your skills and knowledge to your ideal audience.


Imagine for a second...

You've completed 'Expert Academy Pro'. Your own online course is live online and selling. Your students are all enrolled in your online course and you're seeing amazing results from them.

Your online course based business is thriving and the testimonials that you get from your students are so rewarding.

This is the reality that's possible when you follow my exact roadmap that has allowed me to grow my business to 7-figures and beyond from teaching online.


Easy To Follow Video Modules

The videos within the course are there to guide you step-by-step through the content. Supported by the workbooks - the content is laid out in a logical and structured way to take you from 'Course Idea' to 'Finished Course' - ready to sell online'

Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions

I hope that my FAQs above have answered any questions that you may have. But, as I've promised, I'm here to answer any queries you have at this stage.

Just drop me an email below.