A structured recipe for building 'SALES PAGES THAT SELL' - perfect for selling your online course

Imagine...being able to create your sales page as a genuine story...without any tacky sales lingo...AND YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN...

Inside this workshop I share with you my '15 Step Guided Approach' to building sales pages that sell...

You'll learn how to create your sales page to truly connect with your audience - by tellingĀ YOUR unique story.

No gimmicks, just clear, effective methods that work ANDā€¦ you'll have my full support throughout.

Download the Sales Page Builder Workshop

Inside this workshop is a detailed recipe that guides you through the 15 key sections of a successful sales page.

It's a simple to follow recipe that will allow you to connect with your reader, authentically tell your own story AND build a sales page for your course, program or membership - a sales page that actually sells.

Have a deeper understanding of how to write copy that connects and engages

Discover how to build a sales page in a way that takes your readers on a logical journeyĀ 

How to write, build and design an effective sales page to sell your online course or program

Beth Martin

"This is the most clear, comprehensive course I've taken..."

"I've taken a billion online
courses and to be completely honest this one redefined the bar for me...this is the most clear, comprehensive course I've taken and Alex's personal support takes it to another level".Ā 

Samantha Elis

"Alex is more of a guide than a teacher...and guides you step-by-step..."

"Alex's teaching style is totally refreshing in the online expert sector. He teaches in a logical and supportive way, he's more of a guide than a teacher and will take you step-by-step through any roadblocks that come up".

Sue Hay

"Alex is willing to share, with others, every single step that has brought him success..."

"In an online world full of experts and gurus, it's a god-send to have found Alex. He's the real deal. He's willing to share, with others, every single step that has brought him success. I've already taken huge leaps forward in my business".Ā 

"Did you know the greatest sales pages simply focus on telling a story...a story that captures & connects with the reader? It's telling YOUR unique story - that's what I'm going to help you to do..."

Download the workshop >